
Note: All logs are due no later than 14 days after the event!

Click here to submit your log

All submitted logs will be forwarded to the KFF-WWFF team, so that operators can do a dual activation for both FLSPOTA and the WWFF POTA programs.

Log Submission Guidelines:

We have simplified our logging system! Here’s how it works:

  • Visit the link that will be posted to the top of this page after the contest
  • Fill in the blanks telling us your category, power level, number of qsos and bonus info.
  • Attach your actual log file as a PDF, ADI, or Cabrillo .LOG file in the provided space. (file must be smaller than 3mb, and only .pdf, .adi, or .log format)
  • Click Submit!

And that’s it! If you have any questions or issues, you can still email us at logs@flspota.org