Calling all stations! The 4th annual Florida State Parks on the Air contest will take place April 4-5, 2020.
We have made a few rule changes for this year, including:
- There is now a QRP category (≤10W).
- Multiplier has been revised to the sum of FL State Parks activated and FL State Parks worked (once per band/mode). This eliminates the possibility of a “0” multiplier.
- Operator entry categories have been simplified:
- Single operator (one signal on the air at any time)
- Multi operator (more than one signal on the air at any time)
- Full text of the rules is available here.
As with last year, there is a 15 point bonus for any satellite contacts made during the contest, in addition to 10 points for working the K4LKL bonus station(s) and an extra point for each Park-to-Park contact with WWFF/POTA entities outside of Florida.
Stay in touch with FLSPOTA on Facebook, Twitter, and for updates and information over the next two months. If you plan to activate a park, please let us know through one of these platforms so we can add you to the list!