Worked All Florida State Parks

*** Note: This award has been discontinued ***

We have retained this page for information purposes, as well as to acknowledge the achievement of the two operators who completed the award in the past.


Do you wish there was a way you could have fun chasing (and activating) Florida state parks all year long? There is! We will be offering a Florida State Parks Chaser awards for those dedicated operators who have managed to chase and contact all of the qualifying Florida State Parks, and accompanying Florida State Parks Activator awards for those who have activated all of the qualifying Florida State Parks. This is intended to be a year-round addition to the Florida State Parks on the Air Contest which takes place the first Saturday of every April – you DON’T have to make all your contacts for the Activator and Chaser awards during the contest period.

Click here to download the 2016 Worked (and Activated) all Parks logsheet!

Contacts can be made using any mode, on any of the Amateur HF and VHF bands. Repeater contacts are not eligible for this award, except for Satellite contacts.

Just keep track of the parks you’ve activated or contacted over the year (or multiple years), and obtain QSO verification for the parks you are claiming for the award. Chasers can provide verification for claimed contacts either as eQSLs or paper QSLs, with the claimed Florida State Park noted on each card.

For activators, the Florida State Parks on the Air committee may ask for verification of your claimed activations in the form of photos and GPS coordinates of your operating locations. See the Rules page for more information, and the list of requirements to qualify for valid activations.

You can apply for each one of the following award levels:

Florida State Parks On the Air Activator Awards

  • Mockingbird = 25 parks activated
  • Spoonbill = 50 parks activated
  • Sandhill Crane = 100 parks activated
  • Swallowtail Kite = Activated all qualifying Florida State Parks as listed on the Official Parks List for the current calendar year

Florida State Parks On the Air Chaser Awards

  • Gopher Tortoise = 25 park contacts
  • Manatee = 50 park contacts
  • Black Bear = 100 park contacts
  • Florida Panther = Worked all qualifying Florida State Parks as listed on the Official Parks List for the current calendar year

To apply, please contact